Sunday, May 25, 2014

Pitching Hemingways - a half hour sitcom


A pilot episode, a one sheet, a season of episodes outlined, a bio bible.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Badges of honour

Great seminar series with Peter Rawsthorne on open badges as I work towards what the Pony Club might need to support digital badges, and what MonkeyMedia would need.
Ironically enough, Peter doesn't strike me as someone who wears his badge on his sleeve, and I dont think of myself that way, either. But, there is an issue of accountability of credentials that is built into some badge solution designs. You say you want us to call you "Doctor" but are you one? Says who?

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Soccer is my dream life

I wrote this story and script for my friend Ron Serna several years ago. Just noticed he put it up on the web. Things never turn out how you imagined, but if you are lucky you can look back and appreciate everything. Recently I hear that Ron worked with my talented nephew, Ian Macdonald, who is also a filmmaker. Both guys are awesome.

Here's the video, which gives me Nike as a client-feather-in-my-hat.
Soccer still is my dream life.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Applying constructivist learning principles to citizen engagement

Gov 2.0 and new engagement models have in part been fueled by people interested in inverting the social pyramid. The stuff at the bottom of the pyramid tends to be... small and dusty. But, with attention, this can change. Students, intellectuals, various marginalized people can benefit from this inversion, and maybe political outcomes can improve too.

But if it's just an opportunity for getting a bigger volume of good ideas, or a new breed of digital natives elbowing in and getting a bigger slice of attention, don't bother waking most people up for that.

I think we need to worry less about short term results, "Better parking" and worry more about creating and enriching platforms for learning (about advancing citizenship, about being a human in society). Not sandbox environments: real environments, where people learn as they go.

What do these learning political environments look like?

Based on my experience at Bowen Island, Nings, live blogs, and in person open space meetings seem to work well for governance - they can help create dynamic open data environments that are learning environments. But much depends on execution.

What does a learning environment look like? Loosely transcribed from the Elearning curve podcast

"These 5 conditions must be met for a learning approach to work: (Driscoll)

1. Complex learning environments need to be provided – to mimic real life. For learners to be prepared to solve the kinds of problems in real life, they need to learn in authentic environments, with authentic activity.

2. Social negotiation must be encouraged.; Learning is a cultural interchange between members. Collaboration lets users get multi inputs, perspectives, leads to enhanced understanding.

3. Learners must be able to look at materials from multiple perspectives – and with multiple modes of representation.  The same content thru diff sensory modes.

4. Reflexivity must be nurtured. Ie. let students know their own role in the knowledge construction process, in order to take ownership of their own learning and learning processes.

Reflexivity and by extension, critical thinking, is central to constructivist methodology: it enables learners to understand how and why cognition creates meaning. This results in the learners’ ability to perform  reasoning, understand multi perspectives, and defend and expressing their own beliefs.

5. Emphasize student centered (“discovery”) learning. Learners get knowledge on their own. Discovery learning environments constitute cognitive structures that provide meaning, and let people go beyond the info given – instead, users decide the frontiers of their own learning.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Looking back - over 2 years

The Bowegover.ning site is approaching 2 years old, and the notions that spawned it are throughout this slideshow from June 2009. What stands out to me is the Safe Ride Home initiative - which Fitch, Robert, Ron and others have fleshed out into LIFT in recent months.